Lesson Plan: Chapter 20

Connecting to CSTA Standards

GradesConceptSubconceptStandard NumberPractice
6-8Impacts of ComputingCulture2-IC-20Communicating About Computing: 7.2

Compare tradeoffs associated with computing technologies that affect people's everyday activities and career options.

Advancements in computer technology are neither wholly positive nor negative. However, the ways that people use computing technologies have tradeoffs. Students should consider current events related to broad ideas, including privacy, communication, and automation. For example, driverless cars can increase convenience and reduce accidents, but they are also susceptible to hacking. The emerging industry will reduce the number of taxi and shared-ride drivers, but will create more software engineering and cybersecurity jobs.

Learning Outcomes/Goals

The last chapter of this book moves away from explicit instructions on how to build software solutions as teachable assets. Instead, students are given suggestions on how to use the techniques they learned throughout the book to build software for social good.

Differentiated Instruction

Lower level studentsHigher level students
Can design mockups of social good projectsCan actually build, test, and demo them.

Transfer Learning

This chapter delves into the real world, a moment where their knowledge gained in the book transfers to real use cases. Students can explore the ethics behind their favorite software solutions (such as social media platforms)


  • Coding for social good: Producing software for use in making the world a better place for all people (and, sometimes, animals and the environment).
  • Digitization: The act of cataloguing and transfering knowledge about tangible assets into a digital format, such as cataloguing a library.
  • Harms: The various negative aspects of the production of software solutions.


Students can be tested on their understanding of the reasons and need for coding with ethics in mind

Research the various harms that can be built into software and how those harms can be mitigated.Write a summary of the various ways that software can be made less harmful.

Quiz Answers

Q1: Software development is always built with ethical considerations baked in.

a. True

b. False

Q2: The Green Software Foundation focuses on:

a. Software development for agriculture

b. Software development for landscape design

c. How to build software with sustainability in mind

Q3: Software for social good is rarely found in the real world.

a. True

b. False

More Resources/Materials

Assignment and Rubric: Demo Day

In this chapter, you built a project that uses the skills you learned throughout this book. Now, you can show it off! Work with your town library, your local school club, or a different group in your community to do have a “demo day” where you and your friends can show what you have built. Ask the audience for tips on how you can make it better, and then iterate your design. The story is yours to tell!

ExemplaryAdequateNeeds Improvement
The student creates a working demo, explains it for an audience, and interates it to improve itThe student creates a prototype to demo without iteratingThe student creates only a demo or prototype

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